My Quiet Place

Using MyQuietPlace

My Quiet Place is being updated to accommodate a daily devotional and various bible studies. Everyone is invited to participate.

First, create an account.

This helps us cut down on comment spam because members can post while non-members will be held in moderation.

Second, read along with the rest of us.

Find your quiet place where you can go each day and read God’s word.

We recommend reading each day in your own Bible. Studying in your own paper copy lets you highlight verses that stand out to you so you can find them again. Most Bible apps have a highlight feature but apps are not as permanent as a physical book, but if you don’t have your Bible handy, no problem. The day’s text will be posted and readable directly from here on your computer or mobile device.

We know schedules are hard to keep so we’re publishing the week’s schedule in advance.

Finally, discuss what you read.

Sharing what you learned can give new insight to others, so comment away.  Soon we hope to have a forum to ask questions or offer opinions.


Want more?

What to know more about what you read?  Check out some study tools available at some leading christian organizations.  Have some study resources? Recommend them.

